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Vicki Iverson Iversoft

The ubiquity of digital information management is not obvious at first, until you recognize that almost every one of us does it in some form every day. It is not only the purview of experts such as myself, but ordinary internet users, from YouTube, to hotel searches, to web pages, to GPS directions. Even small improvements in this field can have enormous impacts in many sectors. But Seff is no small improvement. It is a fundamental change in the way information is managed and shared.

Seff can transform the way computers are able to simultaneously interpret spatial, temporal and thematic concepts. The application of these powerful concepts to all information types and methods has huge disruptive potential. Seff is a fully universal digital information management system, and its potential benefits are vast.

Our Team_Vicki Iverson

Roisin Murphy CTO

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu tristique risus. Praesent id augue eros. Praesent elementum tortor erat, ullamcorper consequat augue dictum sit amet. Pellentesque vehicula aliquam nulla. Cras ornare bibendum justo, sed pulvinar erat ullamcorper eget. Praesent sit amet lectus at velit malesuada pharetra. Nullam sit amet tellus scelerisque sapien eleifend sodales. Suspendisse molestie lectus in volutpat posuere.

Cras ornare bibendum justo, sed pulvinar erat ullamcorper eget. Praesent sit amet lectus at velit malesuada pharetra. Nullam sit amet tellus scelerisque sapien eleifend sodales. Suspendisse molestie lectus in volutpat posuere. Nunc eget mi ut magna malesuada finibus ut quis purus. Quisque molestie faucibus tellus, eget ornare urna tincidunt mattis.

Dr. Karen Graham MD, CCFP-EM(SEM)

We need technology that supports our needs, recognizes problems that exist and enhances our ability to be efficient. Based on what has been demonstrated to be possible using Seff software, I believe its implementation would be widely applicable and desirable amongst emergency physicians.

Michael Green MD, CCFP-EM(SEM)

Lora Yellow COO

Sara White Investor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu tristique risus. Praesent id augue eros. Praesent elementum tortor erat, ullamcorper consequat augue dictum sit amet. Pellentesque vehicula aliquam nulla. Cras ornare bibendum justo, sed pulvinar erat ullamcorper eget. Praesent sit amet lectus at velit malesuada pharetra. Nullam sit amet tellus scelerisque sapien eleifend sodales. Suspendisse molestie lectus in volutpat posuere.

Cras ornare bibendum justo, sed pulvinar erat ullamcorper eget. Praesent sit amet lectus at velit malesuada pharetra. Nullam sit amet tellus scelerisque sapien eleifend sodales. Suspendisse molestie lectus in volutpat posuere. Nunc eget mi ut magna malesuada finibus ut quis purus. Quisque molestie faucibus tellus, eget ornare urna tincidunt mattis.

Alice Willson Director

Cras ornare bibendum justo, sed pulvinar erat ullamcorper eget. Praesent sit amet lectus at velit malesuada pharetra. Nullam sit amet tellus scelerisque sapien eleifend sodales. Suspendisse molestie lectus in volutpat posuere. Nunc eget mi ut magna malesuada finibus ut quis purus. Quisque molestie faucibus tellus, eget ornare urna tincidunt mattis.