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Seff is in beta-testing and is not yet publicly available for general use. But if you love new technology, consider yourself an early-adopter, and have an innovative use-case for Seff, we’d love to hear from you.

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A lot of smart and knowledgeable people think Seff is pretty amazing. We hope you’ll agree, but our feelings won’t be hurt if you don’t. In fact, we value all thoughtful feedback as we strive to make Seff even better. If you are an IT journalist and would like to observe, participate in, and report on one or more of our beta-tests, please contact us.

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Seff is all about making connections. The Synchronized Experience File Format makes connections between times and places, images and devices, people and products. Because organizations are groups of connected people, Seff excels at what you already do. Please contact us.

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For investors

Time is money, and Seff saves a ton of both. If you are an investor looking for an opportunity to make money by bringing unprecedented efficiency to the internet, please contact us.

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